Monday, March 26, 2012

In the very first class we are introduced to introduction of HTML tag.We are instructed that, we being as a learner we should take part with the interest.and take up the responsible for on self and made a resolution that I will challenge to the new strategy used by the sir.
- The very next day when we are asked to make a web page outline on the chart, I really had a tough time to manipulate to show to my friends in the class, with the thought that, what would my friends say about my work?

- We have presented our web page outline, among our friends and when explained own plan to them, I got lots of Correction from them, suggesting that when I go with the link to other page, it would be better if I could make the link directly to every page from the particular page instead of getting back to the home page again and again.And another suggestion is that, the shape of the image in circle might be the extra work, and its easy to have the square or rectangle shape of the image. The very one of the strategy (letting share the views among the friends),  in the college used by the tutors is, the most useful and advantages for the learners like us because it is much more comfortable among ourselves rather than speaking to the tutor and to the whole class.

- In the next class, we have discussed the difference between the Older Version of HTML 4 and the Latest Version HTML 5, which we are going to use up.
-I understood that HTML 5 is although same as the Version HTML 4, it is more convenient to use as we can insert audio, video, flash and many other. As a whole its advance than version 4 which means will be providing the user with more facilities.

- In the following class, we discussed about the codeings of the HTML in which we are given the new place to practice on own-self and can also view the product of the codeings at a same time.

- we also discussed about the features of the web page such as;consistency like  bgcolor, font size, font color, etc.......contrast - combination of bgcolor and text color and navigation link. The  web PAGE SHOULD BE IN KISS (keep it simple and sweet)
- today (20/3/2012), when I am struck with my first project on web designing, I got new ideas from the Sir's lecture on HOW to move ahead with it, such as making as simple as we can with the information adequate. And also we can look the examples on the Internet of other work.Its not important to design in such a way that it looks so great but we need to note note of the audience we are expecting and the purpose of creating. 
* As a whole I Think I should not Miss even a second of the class as we are provided with new knowledge in every second. Eg: if i happen to miss today's class, I may still struck with my web page designing lack of sir's lecture.